Online education


Online education often requires registration. It can be free or paid.

EDX – high-quality MOOC courses from the world's best universities

Coursera – universal access to world education

Udacity – affordable and highly effective higher education

Future Learn – diverse courses from world-leading universities and cultural organizations

Iversity – European digital learning platform for professional development

Open2Study - a wide range of interesting courses with the possibility of obtaining a certificate or diploma

Udemy – paid and open courses (marketing, design, IT, lifestyle and health, music, languages, ...)

Canvas Network – open online courses led by educators around the world

TreeHouse – videos created by experts in web design, coding and business, paid membership


EPALE - EPALE is a European, multilingual, open membership community of adult learning professionals, including adult educators and trainers, guidance and support staff, researchers and academics, and policymakers.