Psychological well-being


What do we understand by self-esteem?

Self-esteem is a complex concept that has several definitions according to each author, let's look at some of them:

  • “The overall assessment of the dimension of Self. Self-esteem also refers to self-worth or self-image, and reflects the individual's overall confidence and self-satisfaction”.

Sandtrock (2002, p.114)


  • “Self-esteem is the valuing and confident perception of oneself, which motivates the person to manage him/herself properly, to express him/herself with autonomy and to project him/herself satisfactorily in life”.

Gastón de Mézerville (2004, p.61)


Self-esteem is often closely related to a person's perception of him/herself, both positive and negative. This perception and self-concept is generated through thoughts, feelings and/or experiences.

Therefore, self-esteem is a changing and dynamic concept, in other words, if we change the concept, perception and affection we feel for ourselves, our self-esteem will oscillate between high and low self-esteem.