Blended mobility of adult learners, Marsciano /Italy/
2 years ago
This activity was aimed at adult learners. Everything was organized by the Italian organization Travelogue APS, the participants were welcomed in the city of Marsciano, from September 26 to October 2, 2022.
Before the meeting in Italy, there was a meeting in the online world of the Internet, which was attended by all participants.
Four adult learners from each organization /Travelogue Associazione di Promozione Sociale, Asociacion Iniciativa Internacional Joven, GLAFKA, Center for the Promotion of European Cooperation and Integration - Europerativa/ were part of an educational activity that had the following educational objectives:
- Development of self-care skills to preserve one's own balance and well-being;
- Development of personal, social and learning to learn competence;
- To develop digital competences and improve the skills for using digital tools for learning, communication or for professional life.
The following specific points of the program were prepared for the participants of the educational mobility:
- Presentation of the hosting association;
- Presentation of participants;
- Formal, non-formal and informal education and Key competencies for lifelong learning;
- Cultural visit in the town center of Marsciano.
- Visit to the Centro Sociale Ricreativo L'Incontro: a social recreational center for elderly people;
- The impact of Covid-19 on our psychological well-being. How to deal with a crisis;
- Visit to the Sensorial Garden managed by Fondazione Comunità Mascianese Onlus;
- Origami workshop with UNITRE – University of the Third Age of Marsciano. Workshop for creating the cranes of peace.
- The Europass platform: a free tool of the EU for the creation of the CV and Cover Letter;
- Europass Mobility: a tool for the recognition of competences acquired during an Erasmus+ mobility;
- Career guidance activity: From interests, attitudes, skills, competences, to the creation of a career plan;
- Healthy diet – guidelines and advice: With the involvement of a biologist and nutritionist, the learners got to know the definition of health and diet, suggestions for a healthy lifestyle and diet, with physical activity and the Mediterranean diet, the pyramid of Mediterranean diet, the healthy eating plate and filled out a questionnaire to measure adherence to the Mediterranean diet;
- Cultural visit to the Museum of brickworks and terracotta of Marsciano.
- Nordic Walking: The importance of physical activity for a healthy life. Nordic walking in the surroundings of Marsciano with a professional trainer. The poles, how to use them. Benefits of the activity for health;
- Diary of a healthy routine: Workshop, brainstorming and discussion for the creation of the diaries.
- Evaluation of the mobility
Educational mobility produced the following results:
- Development of participants’ self-care skills to preserve one's own balance and well-being;
- Improvement of personal, social and learning to learn competence;
- Development of Multilingual competence;
- Development of creative skills;
- Improved awareness about the importance of physical activity and healthy diet for health
and well-being; - Strengthening in the use of digital tools for communication and for professional life;
- Creation of a Diary of a healthy routine identifying forward-looking goals to motivate themselves, developing resilience and confidence to cope with stress and uncertainty.
Some photos from the educational mobility can be found here: